People Often Confuse SSI Benefits with other Disability Benefits

People Often Confuse SSI Benefits with other Disability Benefits

Disability lawyers like Baynetta Jordan can help people understand whether SSI or SSDI benefits are right for them.

People often confuse Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

LUBBOCK, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, June 1, 2022 / — For people who’ve been unable to work, possibly for a long time, because of severe health impairments, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits are a financial lifeline.

Often called by just its initials, SSI is run by the Social Security Administration. Disability lawyers who work with the program find that people often confuse SSI with another benefits program, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

Eligibility for SSI includes these basic requirements: a health problem that will leave someone unable to work any substantial amount for at least a year, limited income, and limited savings or other financial resources.

The biggest difference between SSI and other Social Security Disability benefits is the applicant’s financial status. While SSI is a government benefits program for people of low economic means, SSDI is a form of insurance for people who have worked but must stop for health reasons, regardless of means.

The programs are complicated enough to apply for—with most people getting denied and having to appeal the decisions—that many claimants work with disability lawyers to get through the process.

In West Texas, Baynetta M. Jordan, P.C., Attorney at Law, is a disability attorney who has been helping people with SSI and SSDI for three decades. She frequently sees the need to clarify for clients the differences between the two types of benefits—and help people understand which program is right for them.

Learn more from the Lubbock, Tex., disability law firm.

Baynetta M. Jordan
Baynetta M. Jordan, P.C., Attorney at Law
+1 (806) 763-3661
email us here

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