Busy women who struggle with stress, will benefit from The Relaxation Lounge – an online stress reducing membership

Busy women who struggle with stress, will benefit from The Relaxation Lounge – an online stress reducing membership

Busy women who struggle with stress, will benefit from The Relaxation Lounge – an online stress reducing membership

The Relaxation Lounge

The Relaxation Lounge is a new, online membership designed to help busy women reduce their stress quickly by providing a variety of online relaxation practices.

Implementing relaxation practices into your daily routine, will change your life.”

— Denise Eckert

BARRIE, ONTARIO, CANADA, April 28, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — The Relaxation Lounge launched on April 26, 2022 and it is a new, online membership platform designed to help busy women reduce their stress quickly. The Lounge hosts a variety of stress reducing relaxation practices for the members to use.

“Implementing relaxation practices into your daily routine, will change your life,” says Denise Eckert, the host of The Relaxation Lounge, “When we feel stressed or overwhelmed, it is our body/mind telling us to slow down. If we continue living in that stress, we eventually experience burnout and sickness.”

The membership, which is meant for women who want to relieve tension, reduce stress and overwhelm, introduces a wide variety of relaxation practices. The practices on the membership site are all provided by experienced practitioners. “I love collaborating with others to create a relaxation hub for women to enjoy.” Says Denise.

These practices are designed for the busy woman, and are kept to a 5/10/15 minute length. Denise says, “Women can visit the online membership at any time they feel the need to reduce their stress – it is like relaxation on demand.”

While acknowledging that the world today has become stressful, she says her online membership, The Relaxation Lounge, will help the member reduce their stress and start enjoying life again.

One member states: “I just love the Lounge! I’m a busy business owner who can go from no stress to extreme stress. When I’m stressed, I love going to the Lounge – I practice a 10-15 minute session and my stress is gone.”

Denise encourages those who would like to see a difference in their lives and business to join The Relaxation Lounge and start implementing relaxation practices in their daily routines, as it will change their life.

To join The Relaxation Lounge, visit: https://therelaxationlounge.info/

About Denise Eckert
Denise Eckert is a certified life coach, hypnotherapist, and EFT practitioner who has been an entrepreneur all her life. In her past businesses, she has struggled with burnout and finding the harmony between entrepreneurship and life. She helps entrepreneurs reduce stress and burnout so that they can create more happiness and start enjoying their lives again.

Denise Eckert
The Relaxation Lounge
email us here

Article originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/570198228/busy-women-who-struggle-with-stress-will-benefit-from-the-relaxation-lounge-an-online-stress-reducing-membership

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