Nth Sense Launched its YouTube Channel

Nth Sense Launched its YouTube Channel

Nth Sense Launched its YouTube Channel

DALLAS, TEXAS, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, April 25, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — YouTube is the world’s second-most visited website & also the world’s second-most used social platform. To capitalize on this fact and make the most of YouTube as a platform in the patient engagement segment of the healthcare industry, Nth Sense launched its own channel named- The Nth Sense.

People watch more than a billion hours of videos on YouTube every day. That’s an incredible amount of content being consumed, all around the world. Considering the health and fitness industry, 72% of people used YouTube to exercise or keep fit in 2020. There was a 515% increase in videos with “home workout” in the title in March alone. (source-https://bit.ly/3vK1N0S)

People also looked to develop some pretty specific fitness skills like how to do a handstand. Surprisingly, there was a 195% increase in daily videos on this topic. Dance workout videos saw 180 million views from mid-March to mid-May 2020. Acknowledging this overall scenario, it becomes paramount that the shared content is highly authentic and reliable. As this necessity is in line with Nth Sense’s mission, Nth Sense has jumped into this bandwagon with the same values, motto, and zeal towards making healthcare a happy experience.

The fantastic reasons of Nth Sense for launching a YouTube channel are to spread authentic health information via more appealing ways like long videos, make health tips easy to access by all age groups from different sections of society, to keep people informed & make healthy decisions based on pure facts, to help people reduce patient’s healthcare expenses in the long run and to contribute to society & make healthcare a happy experience leaving a positive impact.

There are over one billion users on YouTube, which is nearly one-third of everyone on the Internet & every minute, over 500 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube. Video consumption is clearly a big thing already.

How did Nth Sense launch & mark its presence on YouTube?

One of the most important topics of the recent pandemic- Post Covid-19 Nutrition. A beautiful and conversational video has been shared by Nth Sense that keeps you hooked till the end with all the information one needs to know about the importance of the right nutrition especially after recovering from the detrimental COVID-19 virus. It talks about 6 different essential nutrients mentioning their role and benefits both. One can also find some food names that offer these nutrients. All of the shared information has been authenticated by Nutritionist Ankita Vaidya, Post-Graduation in Food Science, and Dietetics. Thus, this is a powerpack video, evidently.

Nth Sense is acclaimed when it comes to healthcare, patient engagement solutions & smoothing doctor-patient relations. Continuing its model, Nth Sense tapped on yet another crucial topic of today – mental health. A podcast series named- ‘The New Normal’ of 5 different episodes was one of the two launching elements. This podcast series was live in the first wave of COVID-19 itself. However, the relevancy of this topic seemed to increase with time, thus, Nth Sense uploaded the podcasts in video format in order to reach the masses and help them cope with their mental difficulties. It has interviewed several people on topics like – life after lockdown, the new normal in the cubicle world, for the bacha party, and many more. One of the guests onboard held 83 years of experience in the field. It was truly an inspiring and empathetic effort that helped a number of listeners.

Nth Sense has been bestowing its followers with timely health tips to live by and pressing on issues that matter when it comes to the healthcare industry through its other social media channels. By making a mark on youtube too, it is all set to magnify its aim.

The founders say-

‘’We have been able to spread authentic and easy to interpret information through blogs and have achieved immense success amongst the blog-reading community worldwide. Quality health tips that are visually pleasing and widely shareable go on our social media. However, it was time to think about the well being of those people who need a long visual representation on different topics of healthcare to make better health decisions, says Yash Bharwani.

‘’Influencing healthy decisions is in itself difficult; Nth sense has been able to wade its way through lack of awareness via blogs and social media using short-form content that is easy to digest and captivating. Now with Youtube (long-form content), we can ensure that people are not just aware but also can stick to healthy discussions with, do-along yoga videos, healthy and nutrition-focused foods, recipes, mindful habits, etc. This way they always have a space to ask questions and find answers to always handhold them’’, says Nidhi Gopiani.

Yash Bharwani
Nth Sense
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Simple Foods to FIGHT POST COVID Symptoms crafted by Nutritionist Ankita Vaidya | Nth Sense

Nth Sense Launched its YouTube Channel

Article originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/569830909/nth-sense-launched-its-youtube-channel-a-feather-in-patient-engagement-s-cap

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The post Nth Sense Launched its YouTube Channel first appeared on INFO NEWS.