Mike Robinson, the Corporations CEO with his daughter Genevieve, was once a cannabis compassion provider that’s well known for beating multiple cancers using cannabis oils

If you donate through the American Red Cross, download the app and join team BudforBlood before you schedule your appointment, so you can get the most out of the apps features.

Kristen Yoder is the creator of the Bud for Blood Initiative. The outspoken Cannabis Industry member is an expert in multiple areas of cannabinoid medicine and also has a clothing line – Cynical Stoner
The Bud for Blood Initiative is a 2-month drive to bring awareness to the need for blood donations after the American Red Cross pleaded with Americans to help
— Mike Robinson, CEO, Nanobles, Inc.
SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, May 12, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Just days ago, several prominent members of the U.S. Cannabis Industry stated they would back a blood donation drive that began on May 10. Listed in the May 2022 High Times edition of the Top 100 most influential people in Cannabis, CEO Mike Robinson has announced today that he and his partner will be media partners in what’s been called the “Bud for Blood” campaign. Robinson has an extensive history of running compassion programs that have aided those needing plant medicine who can’t afford it. He met and then became the father to his Autistic daughter Genevieve after being her compassionate care provider in 2016.
“Research shows that donating blood is downright good for you; there are so many advantages to the donor,” Robinson, a cannabinoid medicine researcher, explains. “Regular blood donors have a much lower tendency to have cardiac diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiac arrest, and other metabolic disorders. Blood donation also improves the immune system of a person, so it seems like having your oil changed now and then is a perfect thing for you – while also saving another person’s life. Now that’s a double whammy of love if I’ve ever seen one!”
Recently the Global Cannabinoid Research Center announced a merger with Nanobles Corporation through their Director of Communications David Uhalley, who stated, “we’ve positioned ourselves for various reasons, one of them has to do with our vital organs – how we preserve them. The need to have an ongoing blood supply in America is beyond vital; without it, every last one of us is in Jeapordy. Even if someone doesn’t want to give to another, they could easily donate to themselves.”
“A single act of compassion led to a beautiful creation known as our family; we call it the Cannabis Love Story,” Robinson explained. “But before any of that could happen, at one time, I was the recipient of an emergency blood transfusion; I recieved a lot of other people’s blood and would not have survived without it during a string of surgeries.”
In addition to consumer education, the campaign asks members of the Cannabis Industry and consumers to give up their most precious commodity. The first 100 donors who also submit a selfie or other proof of donation via the project website (www.budforblood.com) will receive a free hemp t-shirt featuring sponsors underwriting the campaign. Participating sponsors to date include Abstrax, Budwiz, Cannaline, Jeeter, Push Delivery, Quiver Financial, and Toasty Hemp Co.
Bud for Blood, created by cannabis industry veteran Kristen Yoder, host of a well-known podcast and founder of apparel brand Cynical Stoner, will run for the next two months until July 10. People who want to participate should donate through the American Red Cross, download the app, and join team BudforBlood before scheduling an appointment. Once underway, take a selfie and post it on social media with #BudforBlood.
“When I learned about the current blood shortage, I decided to donate for the first time, and it made me feel like a real hero knowing I was directly helping save lives,” said Kristen Yoder. “Cannabis consumer demographics align with those of a desired blood donor population, and cannabis use has no impact on donor eligibility, so it struck me to reach out to my peers in the industry to educate consumers about the huge impact they can make through donating blood.”
The American Red Cross gives information on its website about who is eligible for blood donations and states that people can provide this life-saving assistance every other month to help defray the 29,000 units of red blood cells required daily. The demand includes 5,000 platelets and 6,5000 units of plasma needed every day, with a 10% decrease in donations, causing a severe shortage.
“We at Nanobles feel that others in the cannabis community will want to participate, many for personal reasons.” Robinsons stated, “Without blood, none of us stay alive that use plant medicine or those that make it, when you stop and think about it, being an organ donor is a great thing, but it takes ending your life to give. Donating blood is the easiest way to be someone’s anonymous hero forever, which gives you a feeling that nothing else can replace. The hospital was only allowed to give me blood because people had donated it.”
Nanobles COO David Uhalley weighed in on the subject, “I’ve been a blood donor for several years and can attest there’s no feeling like life’s fuel leaving your body and knowing you can spare it, knowing that another will survive due to that. I’m always saying I’m too busy, but now’s the time to take a short break from an afternoon schedule so someone like Mike can live the rest of their life.”
According to the American Red Cross, Every 2 seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood and or platelets. Add to that 29,000 units of red blood cells required daily and 5,000 platelets and 6,500 units of plasma. All of this is happening while people have lowered their giving level. They state that a single-car crash can require as many as 100 units of blood, and keep in mind these can not be made in labs; it requires giving souls to allow others to remain alive through such a precious donation of their blood.
According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1.8 million people were diagnosed with cancer in 2020 alone. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during chemotherapy treatments. Others will need blood in surgeries or due to complications. “I was one of those people that needed blood during surgery, and it wasn’t just a little bit; it had to have been over a half dozen people involved in saving my life, and none of them went to medical school; they weren’t surgeons, they just cared and gave their blood.”
In addition to the commercial sponsors, Yoder has garnished the support of multiple several media partners, and she’s looking for more publicity. That list helping her now includes Beard Brothers, Respect My Region, WeedWeek, LA Cannabis News, State of Cannabis, Ganjapreneur, Canivision, The Bluntness, Highly Capitalized, Cannigma and Vee, Traveling Canna Writer, Global Cannabinoid Research Center, and Nanobles Corporation.
At the onset of 2020, the American Red Cross announced the first blood shortage in over a decade. They’ve continued to ask the American public to donate for the last four months, but that wasn’t why this all started. “I gave blood, and it gave me a sense of purpose I didn’t have before; I can’t explain what it does for me,” Bud for Blood creator Kristen Yoder stated. “Before I started doing this, my mental state was nothing like it is today. It’s healing me to heal others.”
Bud for Blood is not affiliated with the American Red Cross or any specific blood donation organization. It is an independently created awareness initiative to help address the country’s critical blood shortages through an online education campaign. It is incentivized with a free hemp t-shirt with proof of donation to the first 100 willing to give.
The BudforBlood campaign will run from May 10 to July 10, 2022. For more information and to get involved, visit www.budforblood.com or follow @budforblood on Instagram and use hashtags #budforblood, #giveblood, #justdonateblood, #stonersmakegreatdonors.
Those interested in further information on this drive for life should contact Kristen Yoder at contact@cynicalstoner.com. Be sure to download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App today!
Mike Robinson
Health News - originally published at Health News -