PHILADELPHIA, July 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Library Company of Philadelphia is proud to introduce Beyond Glass Cases, a three-year project featuring three innovative exhibitions developed with creative partners. Project partners including speculative historian Tafari Robertson, anthropologist and historian Paul Wolff Mitchell, musician Zachariah Julian, and visual artist Mark Thomas Gibson are creating artworks, curating exhibitions, and composing music as ways of starting conversations about Library Company material.
Originally published at https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/beyond-glass-cases-the-library-company-of-philadelphias-collections-lab-explores-history-art-and-education-with-riveting-exhibitions-throughout-2024-302189176.html
Images courtesy of https://pixabay.com
Art - Purple Foxy Ladies originally published at Art - Purple Foxy Ladies