Dr Jennifer Miller of Health Expressions Medical Spa in Rockville awarded SWSNA best shockwave therapy provider in 2023 – Highlighting men’s prostate health.
— Dr. Jennifer Miller, DC
ROCKVILLE, MD, USA, July 3, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Dr. Jennifer Miller of Health Expressions Medical Spa graciously accepted the award for 2023’s Best Shockwave Therapy Provider from the Shock Wave Society last Friday. The award recognizes their commitment to raising public awareness and providing high-quality shockwave therapy services.
“We are honored to receive this award from the Shock Wave Society of North America,” said Dr. Jennifer Miller, owner of Health Expressions Medical Spa. “This award is a testament to our commitment to providing our patients with the highest quality shockwave therapy treatments.”
Health Expressions Medical Spa is a leading provider of shockwave therapy in Maryland as well as New York. Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-energy sound waves to stimulate the body’s natural healing process. It is used to treat a variety of conditions.
Health Expressions Medical Spa is the first in Maryland to offer this new, medication free treatment option to men with Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome, called Extracorporeal shockwave therapy – or ESWT.
While the exact mechanism by which shockwave therapy works for men diagnosed with enlarged prostate to relieve BPH symptoms is not yet fully understood, but it is thought to be due to:
✓ The breakdown of scar tissue that can build up in the prostate gland
✓ The promotion of new blood vessel growth, which can improve blood flow to the prostate and help to reduce inflammation
✓ The stimulation of nerve growth, which can help to improve bladder control
At Health Expressions, Dr. Miller has been one of the first US healthcare providers to educate and promote the use of this elective procedure for Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome for men who have exhausted all of the mainline treatment options.
“Managing prostatitis with medicine is challenging,” Health Expressions Dr. Jennifer Miller explained while she demonstrated the new prostate procedure for a group of new shockwave providers.
“American urologists are basically betting on the inevitable of minimally invasive prostate operations and surgeries, which have a significantly bigger payoff from medical insurance, even if they already know that prostate issues cannot be treated with pharmaceutical therapy, which they are not. But at the risk of men’s health being put off and their quality of life being diminished by ineffective and out-of-date prostate medications. Most guys are weakened and frustrated by the time they learn about our shockwave prostate therapy option. Because of their prostatic care delays that result in erectile dysfunction, the majority of men actually call us to explore their choices only after seeing our Maryland GAINSWave and Rochester ED Wave Therapy information online.”
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Why are more men than ever searching for alternative treatments for prostate health? The long and short of it is that many men are sick becoming living examples of those long medication disclaimers we hear of during awkward commercials. Men are also seeking for methods to cut costs rather than paying for expensive, long-term medications or minimally invasive prostate treatments that, although also producing excellent results, might run you up to three times as much as this shockingly simple shockwave solution.
Shockwave therapy is the latest revolution in modern medical management of soft tissue problems. Health Expressions Medical Spa offers a diverse selection of shockwave therapy applications to improve erectile function in men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction – a procedure that is commonly called GAINSWave Therapy. ESWT has additionally expanded to a growing number of application, including for pain management and peripheral neuropathy using protocols made available for shockwave providers by SWSNA and PhysioMD.
Numerous scientific studies have found that shockwave therapy can also accelerate recovery and reduce pain in conditions such as plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and shoulder pain. Treatments are typically performed in a series of 6-12 treatments. Each treatment lasts for about 20 minutes.
Learn more about shockwave therapy in Rockville or Rochester, please contact Dr. Jennifer Miller at Health Expressions.
Kulovac, B., Aganović, D., Prcić, A., & Hadziosmanović, O. (2007, August). Management of chronic nonbacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Bosnian journal of basic medical sciences. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5736117/
Wu, W.-L., Bamodu, O. A., Wang, Y.-H., Hu, S.-W., Tzou, K.-Y., Yeh, C.-T., & Wu, C.-C. (2021a, August 16). Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) alleviates pain, enhances erectile function and improves quality of life in patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Journal of clinical medicine. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8396816/
Elsevier. (2022, November 22). The effect of extracorporeal shock wave therapy for chronic prostatitis. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609522018379
ⓘ The information provided by this article is intended for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of rendering medical advice. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Dr. Jennifer Miller, DC
Health Expressions Medical Spa
+1 301-244-4717
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/641883667/new-prostate-treatment-leads-to-award-for-best-shockwave-therapy-provider-at-local-med-spa-health-expressions-rockville
The post New Prostate Treatment Leads To Award For Best Shockwave Therapy Provider At Local Med Spa HEALTH EXPRESSIONS Rockville first appeared on Beauty Ring Magazine.
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