Exploring the Simplicity of Meditation with Chris Weals

Exploring the Simplicity of Meditation with Chris Weals

Conference on Meditation Hosted by Chris Weals

Life Coach University Conference on Meditation, Hosted by Chris Weals

Meditation is about being present in the moment and learning to let go of the thoughts that keep you stuck in a state of worry, depression, anxiety, and disconnection from the world.”

— Chris Weals

REDONDO BEACH, CALIFORNIA, USA, May 4, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Chris Weals is a life coach who specializes in helping people create healthy, happy relationships. Meditation proves to be a key tool he personally uses as well as a tool he teaches to his clients to help their relationships thrive. By turning his own mental health around, meditation has led him into much stronger relationships with his girlfriend of 11 years, his friends and his family.

Prior to practicing meditation, Chris suffered from depression, anxiety, and low self esteem. His focus on himself and his troubles created tunnel vision and he failed to notice the failing relationships with his loved ones. Dark moods caused him to withdraw and/or lash out at the people he cared about most.

Through meditation, and other self-development practices, Chris better understands and manages his moods, that self-awareness allows him to be less emotionally reactive to the world around him. This has had a major positive impact on all of his relationships, especially with his girlfriend. It has also helped him to have a much more optimistic outlook on life.

Chris’ mission is to share the remarkable benefits of meditation. He will be demonstrating how easy and accessible the practice is to anyone who is interested. Join him at the upcoming conference at Life Coach University on Meditation. The conference is free to attend. He has invited four brilliant keynote speakers: Jackson Tan, Jodi Jackson, Bryan Peterson and Jutta Jerlich.

Together, they will debunk the myth that meditation must be done perfectly to experience its profound benefits. You do not have to sit on the floor, cross-legged, with a mind that is completely free of thoughts. In fact, spoiler alert, meditation isn’t about doing. It’s about being present in the moment and learning to let go of the thoughts that keep you stuck in a state of worry, depression, anxiety, and disconnection from the world.

This conference is for those who want a better understanding of meditation, its benefits, the many forms, and how to choose what works best for them. You are invited to attend the online conference to learn about the simplicity of meditation and what those benefits look like in your daily life. This powerfully effective tool can even help you navigate those important, wonderful, and challenging relationships. In fact, it can improve every aspect of your life.

The conference will be on Tuesday May 17, 2022 at 10am Eastern US. This conference will be recorded and a replay will be available. RSVP at www.lifecoachuniversity.com/conferences to get your free ticket.

Life Coach University is on a mission to coach millions more. Life coaches from around the world share their content on Life Coach University’s pay it forward platform. Dien Luu, Founder of Life Coach University invites anyone who attends this conference or watches the replay to go and pay it forward in kindness or generosity in any way they want. This can be smiling at your friends, baking homemade cookies for your neighbour, planting a fruit tree in your garden, or donating an item to your favourite charity shop.

About the host Chris Weals. Chris currently lives in Redondo Beach, California with his girlfriend. He is an adventurer and lover of life. He loves playing outside, pushing himself to grow, and helping people live fulfilling, joyful lives. Chris’ linkedin profile page is https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisweals/

Press release written by Chris Weals, Life Coach.
Edited by Lani Kim, Editor for Life Coach University.

Dien Luu
Life Coach University

Article originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/571122194/exploring-the-simplicity-of-meditation-with-chris-weals

The post Exploring the Simplicity of Meditation with Chris Weals first appeared on Reality Syndicate Viewers.

The post Exploring the Simplicity of Meditation with Chris Weals first appeared on USA SPORT NEWS.

The post Exploring the Simplicity of Meditation with Chris Weals first appeared on INFO NEWS.