College Cliffs Names the 20 Oldest and Most Amazing Organs in College Campus Chapels

College Cliffs Names the 20 Oldest and Most Amazing Organs in College Campus Chapels

NASHVILLE, Tenn., Jan. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — College Cliffs present the oldest and most majestic organs in chapels within college campuses in America. A mark of rich tradition, these organs come with high historical value and were created by some of the biggest organ manufacturers in the world.

Housed in massive chapel chambers, these 20 pipe organs have been called the on-campus chapels home for a long time, with some of them installed back in the mid-1920s. The stunning pipe organs would often lay unused for years at a time until the college community came together to restore, upgrade, and keep the otherwise deteriorated showpieces well-maintained.

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Today, because they produce such an imposing sound, the pipe organs in cathedrals and chapels on college campuses make celebrations like weddings, municipal ceremonies, and liturgical events even more momentous. Our list mentions, in no random order, the following colleges where the pipe organs are installed:

Trinity College Chapel at Trinity College – Hartford, CT
Rockefeller Memorial Chapel at The University of ChicagoChicago, IL
University of Florida College of Arts – Gainesville, FL
Newberry Organ, Woolsey Hall at Yale UniversityNew Haven, CT
Harvard The Memorial Church – Cambridge, MA
The Edythe Bates Old Grand Organ at Rice UniversityHouston, TX
Frieze Memorial Organ at The University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, MI
Caruth Auditorium Fisk Organ at Southern Methodist UniversityDallas, TX
The Klais Organ at the University of IowaIowa City, IA
The John R. Silber Symphony Organ at Boston UniversityBoston, MA
Practice and Studio Organs at Brigham Young UniversityProvo, UT
The Baroque Organ at Cornell UniversityIthaca, NY
The Beckerath Organ at Stetson UniversityDeLand, FL
The Curtis Organ at the University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA
Chapel Organ at Princeton UniversityPrinceton, NJ
Sharkey Corrigan Organ at Texas A&M University – Laredo, TX
The Hill Memorial Organ at Pomona CollegeClaremont, CA
Estey Organ at St. Lawrence UniversityCanton, NY
Swarthmore CollegeSwarthmore, PA
Chapel Organ at Bethany Lutheran CollegeMankato, MN

“Pipe organs come with prestige and grandeur appearances that add more aesthetic value to schools and chapels,” explains Editor-in-chief Linda Weems. “They help beautify the environment of the chapels and attract more visitors, especially when the pipe organ comes with a long history.”

ABOUT COLLEGE CLIFFS uses a proven methodology to gather, measure, and treat publicly available information from sources to review, rate, and rank United States colleges and universities. Our independent results are based on specific standards, criteria, and parameters, including facilities, cost, student retention and graduation rates, and outcomes. An online resource offering in-depth higher education institution reviews and rankings, offers the information students need to find the best college fit.

Linda Weems
[email protected]

SOURCE College Cliffs

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